Wir sind auf der "Flotte! Der Branchentreff 2025"
26.-27. März 2025 in Düsseldorf
Halle 6 Stand H44

Charging solution for your company

Charge vehicles for employees, customers or the company fleet.
Charging for employees, fleet vehicles & guests
Environmentally conscious positioning
Pre-installed administration and billing system
Company logo
Company logo
Company logo
Company logo
Company logo
use cases

A charging system for every occasion

Benefit from the numerous applications of the charging system, which will also positively reflect your image as an environmentally conscious company. The issue of employee retention also benefits greatly from charging points in the workplace.

Staff shop

Charging stations are a popular benefit and contribute to increasing employee satisfaction.

guest shop

Impress your guests with the opportunity to charge their e-cars while you're talking to them.

Fleet shop

The perfect solution if you need to charge several e-cars in parallel and want to save yourself the hassle of changing parking spaces.


Take advantage of the option to reserve a parking space for a special charging station.
Hard Facts

Unser Gesamtpaket für Ihr Unternehmen

Mit dem Aqueduct Ladesystem erhalten Sie die Komplettlösung für eine schnelle Installation, reibungslose Inbetriebnahme, einfache Abrechnung und einem herausragenden Support.

Ladesystem Aqueduct

Flexibel erweiterbar
Geringe Installationskosten
Sequentielles Laden

Verwaltung & Software

Kontrolle über Lademodule
Automatisierte Abrechnung
Schneller Bezahlvorgang


Direkt & persönlich
Per Mail & Telefon
In-House Support Team


Von Planung bis Installation

We are happy to advise you

flexibly expandable

Charging infrastructure for every size of company

The installation of charging stations at work is met with growing interest among employees, guests or customers, which strengthens the company image as a pioneer in terms of innovation and sustainability.
Chargex's flexible charging systems enable companies to expand their charging infrastructure efficiently and as needed, thus representing a future-oriented solution that meets the spirit of the times and increases the attractiveness of the company.

Charging system for every size
No company with up to 49 employees
Medium-sized companies with up to 500 employees
Large companies with over 500 employees

For administrators, admins

Keep track of the entire charging system with our dashboard. With the user-friendly interface, administrators can track charging processes, analyze energy consumption, manage access rights, and generate invoices.
User administration
Needs-based charging current distribution
iPhone mockup

User administration

Keep track of all charging processes, users and charging points.


Create individual statements for users with just a few clicks.

Demand-based charging current distribution

Depending on requirements, every user receives the range they need.

For everyday use

With the user-friendly app, you can intuitively interact with the Aqueduct charging system while maintaining full control over your charging process.

Digital charging card

Each user receives a digital charging card with which they can control the charging process.

Availability and overview

Each charging process is shown in the app. Vacant spaces and completed charging processes are therefore quickly apparent.
iPhone mockup

Monitor charging

The app allows you to keep an eye on how your vehicle is charging and to monitor the progress of the charging process.

Charging as needed

With the “Drops” mobility budget, charging processes can be individually prioritized.

Das Aqueduct Ladesystem

Patentiertes Ladesystem zur bedarfsgerechten Stromverteilung, verhindert Netzengpässe und schafft Transparenz und Effizienz beim Laden von Elektrofahrzeugen. Mittels Plug & Play Konzept spart das Ladesystem Aqueduct viel Aufwand in der Planung, Installation und nachträglichen Erweiterung.

Flexibel und schnell erweiterbar

Das Startmodul des Aqueduct lässt sich problemlos an eine herkömmliche 11 kW- oder 22 kW-Zuleitung anschließen. Dank Plug & Play können in wenigen Minuten bis zu 10 weitere Lademodule integriert werden. Eine schnellere und einfachere Installation ist kaum möglich.

Integriertes Lastmanagement

Dank des integrierten Lade- und Lastmanagements wird eine Überlastung des Stromnetzes zuverlässig verhindert, während der Stromverbrauch gleichmäßig verteilt wird. Die Priorisierung der Ladevorgänge erfolgt bequem über unsere App, sodass jedes Fahrzeug genau die benötigte Reichweite erhält.

Einfache Installation - Innen und Außen

Sowohl an Hauswänden als auch in Tiefgaragen kann eine kostengünstige, schnelle und unkomplizierte Installation gewährleistet werden.
Auch die Installation an freistehenden Parkplätzen ist mit unseren Stahl-Stehlen möglich.

Wir beraten Sie gerne


Frequently asked questions

Our support team will be happy to help you with any additional questions.
Is the charging solution compatible with various e-vehicle models and charging standards?
Our charging station has the “Type 2” plug standardized by the European Union in 2013 and is therefore compatible with all e-vehicles. Regardless of whether it is a fully electric car (BEV), plug-in hybrid (PHEV) or a 1, 2 or 3-phase charger.
How quickly can an e-vehicle be charged with the charging solution provided?
Charging time depends on many factors, which is why it is difficult to give a general answer.The most important factors include: max. charging capacity of the charging system (11/ or 22kW), the max. charging capacity of the e-vehicle (2.3 kW to 22kW) and, most importantly, the load capacity of our charging system. Under optimal conditions, the Aqueduct charging system charges at ~100 km/ hour.
How is the charging solution accessed and is there a booking system to organise its use by employees?
For the topic Control and administration We have our digital service the “Drop Power Sharing Dashboard/ App”. Here, administrators can manage charging cards, users, user teams, access authorizations, different pricing models and much more. After activation by the administrator, e-car drivers can authenticate themselves at the charging point using either the app or a charging card.
Can the charging solution be adapted to the growing number of electric vehicles in the company, and are there plans for future upgrades?
It was precisely because of this question that we developed the Aqueduct charging system. With the modular plug & play system Additional charging points can be installed easily and cheaply, as the pre-installation no longer needs to be changed.A total of up to 10 charging points can be installed per charging system. The distribution of electricity can be controlled and controlled with our Drop Power Sharing app.
Are there tools to monitor charging activity to analyze usage and identify potential bottlenecks?
For the topic Control and administration We have our digital service “Drop Power Sharing Dashboard/ App”. Here, administrators can manage and evaluate the organization, locations and charging systems as well as their users. For most administrators, the topic is”Reporting & billing” most important. Here we offer the loading data on a map or user-specific basis, in PDF, Excel and CSV formats. If a automatic billing If required, we have also connected a payment service.